Natural ways to get pick lips
A beautiful, healthy smile isn’t all about your teeth; it’s about your lips too.
While your lips can darken because of everything from low blood circulation and stress to excessive smoking, the effect is not irreversible. Also, bear in mind that without appropriate and consistent lip care your lips won’t stay pink. So here are 10 beauty tips for lips that tell you how to get pink lips naturally.

1. Stay moisturized for glossier lips
Did you know that your lips also contain a small amount of sebum? Which is why moisturizing them with petroleum jelly, lip balm or coco butter is essential.
2. Pomegranate seeds and milk help to get pink lips
Grind a handful of pomegranate seeds and mix them with some milk cream. Apply this mixture to your lips regularly and watch them become pinker and fuller too.
3. Cucumber juice helps to remove dead skin from the lips
Rubbing a slice of cucumber on your lips makes them pink.
4. Rose petals and milk moisturize your skin naturally
Soak a few rose petals in a bowl of milk for a while. Then take out the petals, add a few drops of honey and glycerine to them and then grind them into a paste. Now apply the paste on your lips and you’re done!
5. Lemon juice helps to lighten your lip's shade
Cut a thin slice of lemon and sprinkle some sugar on it. Now, rub that sugary slice on your lips and soon enough, your lips will begin to lighten. How? Well, lemon is an excellent natural bleaching agent while the sugar, in this case, helps to exfoliate all the dead skin cells.
6. Berry mixture soften your lips
A paste made using raspberries, aloe vera juice and organic honey really helps to make your lips pink. Once you’ve applied this paste on your lips just let it sit for about five minutes before you wash it off. Raspberries work best because of how rich they are in vital vitamins and minerals, which make your lips pink and soft too.
7. Turmeric powder and milk gives your lips a healthy shine
This combination is good for overall skin health, and your lips are no exception. Make a paste by mixing both these ingredients and leave it on till it dries. Then wash it off and you will start seeing the difference.
8. Honey, almond oil and sugar help in getting pink lips
Amalgamate honey, sugar and almond oil together. Massage your lips with this mixture for ten minutes on a daily basis for natural pink lips.
9. Gently scrub with a toothbrush for softer lips
A good soft bristled toothbrush scrub can help remove the dry skin around your lips. This will make them look more fresh and vibrant.
10. Sleep minus lipstick
Sleeping with your lipstick on may actually be draining away the colour from your lips. To counter this, use a cotton ball to gently rub some almond oil on your lips before you hit the sack.
The above lip care tips help in giving you the pink lips, but if you smoke, kicking the butt will actually help your lips to continue to remain pink!
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