Find out what sexy really mean
any (myself inclusive) find it hard to define sexy. I mean, it is an intoxicating feeling to know that someone or even a lot of people find you sexy. For some, being sexy is a feeling and for others, it is a certain style or look. While to the ones who define things literally; being sexy is to be sexually interesting and exciting. long story short, to radiate se*uality. This means you appeal to someone in a sensual manner. And in my opinion, it really isn’t a bad thing. That is aside from your traditional, cultural beliefs and ingrained principles of chastity. Besides, being sexy is a very important component in any healthy romantic relationship. It’s basically friendship if s*xual attraction is absent. The problem however is that the image of sexiness being reduced to a show of skin-tight, skimpy dresses, overdone cleavages and super long legs.

Good personal hygiene is also sexy. Imagine having a sweet fragrance oozing out from you all the time. Now that is extremely sexy. That is one of the reasons perfume makers are successful.
Intelligence too can be seen as extremely sexy. Unfortunately, the media has replaced intelligence with perky b**bs, bouncy butts and ripped abs. And still, not everyone is intelligent even though it still a major turn on for many men and women. So, even if you can become sexy when you tone those arms, flex those triceps and squat till your bum becomes firm and round; you can also be considered sexy when you read books, watch documentaries and broaden your horizon. Long and short; what’s within and without makes you sexy!
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